Blog Post

Installing Sod? 4 Mistakes to Avoid

  • By Admin
  • 03 Oct, 2019
Installing Sod

Your lawn is more than just grass - your lawn is the background for your home's overall landscape design and curb appeal. If you have a bare front yard at the moment, however, a healthy and attractive lawn may seem like an impossible goal to achieve. Thankfully, sod can help you achieve this goal, going from dirt to a complete lawn in about a day's time.

Of course, proper installation and maintenance is key if you want your new lawn to grow and thrive. This guide and your contractor will ensure you avoid a few common mistakes made with sod grass.

1. Wrong Grass

You may be surprised to learn that not all sod is created equal. Sod is grass, and there are different types of grass available. Since it has already started to grow, you may think any type of sod grass is acceptable, but that is not entirely true.

If you choose the wrong type of grass, the sod may not root itself into the ground, which will prevent you from having the lawn you want and are investing in. Therefore, you must select the right type of sod grass for your specific climate.

For example, warm season grasses, such as Bermuda, are ideal for hot and sunny climates that experience drought-like conditions. If you live in cooler climate or have a lot of shade in your yard, opt for a cool season grass, such as fescue, when selecting your sod

2. Insufficient Water

Sod may be a form of instant grass, but it does need to establish itself in the underlying dirt and soil if you want to enjoy a healthy and appealing lawn for many years to come.

Watering your new lawn thoroughly is most important during the early days after installation.  Most experts recommend watering the sod two to four times each day during the first seven to 10 days after installation.

If you are unsure whether your sod needs to be watered, inspect it carefully. If you walk on the sod and it leaves deep footprints, the lawn has adequate water. If the sod grass is firm, pull back a section to inspect the underlying soil. The lawn needs to be watered more frequently if the soil is dry.

After about two weeks of time, you can begin to decrease how much water you give your lawn.

3. Wrong Time

Again, while sod does create an instant lawn, the grass does need to grow into the ground if you want to enjoy your new lawn indefinitely. Not only do you need to plant the right sod grass and water it properly, but you also need to lay the sod at the right time.

Some people believe that sod can be laid at any time during the year, but seasons where temperatures are too high or too low will decrease how well the sod establishes itself. For the best results, lay the sod in the spring or fall, when temperatures are cooler and there is more chance of rain to help the grass root.

4. Improper Prep

Creating an instant lawn with sod is possible, but a bit of prep is necessary first. For the sod to thoroughly implement into the ground, you need a healthy and durable foundation.

Any dead grass, clumps of mud or clay, twigs, roots, rocks, and other debris must be removed from the ground before you install the sod. The soil should be tilled, as well, and topsoil should be added to fill in low areas of soil to create a level foundation for the sod.

Help is available if you are ready to create an appealing and healthy lawn. For more information on installing sod or for help maintaining your lawn, contact Wright Turf Farm Inc. today.

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