Blog Post

4 Benefits of Bermuda Sod for Your Southern Landscape

  • By Admin
  • 20 Jul, 2018
Cutted Bermuda Sod
Your lawn is important for many reasons. While it creates a backdrop to the rest of your landscaping, your lawn plays a crucial role in your home's curb appeal and value, too. If you have an unhealthy, unattractive lawn, you can improve your home's curb appeal and value with new sod.

Of course, sod is available in a few different grass options. Most experts recommend warm-season grasses, such as Bermuda, for southern climates. This guide and your contractor's help will educate you on the benefits of installing Bermuda sod.

1. Implements Quickly

No matter which type of grass you choose, sod offers you an instant lawn. However, ensuring the sod implements into the soil requires some time.

You can install sod anytime of the year. To ensure your Bermuda sod implements into the ground quickly and effectively, consider installing in the spring season when temperatures are warm. The spring is also an ideal time for installing sod because rain is more likely to fall during this season.

With warm, not incredibly hot, temperatures and plenty of moisture, your Bermuda sod will start growing quickly.

2. Thrives in Heat and Sun

Another benefit of planting Bermuda sod in your southern landscape is that it is more likely to grow and thrive due to the warmer temperatures. Bermuda thrives in temperatures between 60 and 75 degrees and can grow in hotter temperatures still.

If your yard receives mostly full sun, Bermuda is also the ideal option for your lawn. Bermuda actually requires full sun to grow, which is different from other warm season grasses, which may prefer partial shade.

3. Does Not Require a Lot of Water

Watering your lawn is imperative if you want it to be appealing and healthy. Unfortunately, constant watering can be time-consuming and expensive if you have a monthly water bill.

Compared to other types of grass, such as fescue, Bermuda does not require as much water to grow and thrive. Therefore, watering your Bermuda sod will be more efficient and affordable than if you have installed a cool-season grass.

After installing your sod, apply about an inch of water to your entire lawn. Each day after installation, water your Bermuda sod so the top inch of grass and soil is always moist.

Each day, you can reduce the amount of water you apply to your new sod. Once the Bermuda has established itself into the ground, you only need to apply an inch of water to the grass each week of the growing season.

4. Easier to Maintain

In addition to it requiring less water, Bermuda sod is actually easier to maintain especially when compared to cool-season grasses.

Some people consider Bermuda grass a type of weed because it has the ability to grow quickly, taking over parts of your landscape without much effort. Because of its ability to grow and thrive, it is capable of crowding out and taking over other weeds. This reduces the risk of weed growth in your Bermuda lawn.

Make sure to keep your Bermuda sod healthy with simple applications of fertilizer that contains nitrogen. This fertilizer should be applied throughout the growing season.

Even though it requires very little, maintenance will keep your Bermuda grass healthy and strong. This ensures your Bermuda sod will take over any weeds that are currently existing while reducing the risk of weed growth in the future.

When you are ready to improve your lawn and curb appeal, consider Bermuda sod. To learn more about installing and maintaining Bermuda, contact Wright Turf Farms today. We’re ready to help you find the best sod for your property so your landscape can looks its best.
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