One of the key features of zoysia is that it is a warm season grass. Warm season grasses grow best in warmer temperatures. In most cases, zoysia will grow and thrive during times when temperatures are between 80 and 95 degrees.
If you live in the southern part of the country where higher temperatures are common, zoysia sod may be the right option for your lawn.
Once established, your zoysia sod will be bright green toward the end of spring and all through the summer. Because it is a warm season grass, zoysia goes dormant when temperatures are lower in the fall and winter. This causes your lawn to change from green to a light brown during the cooler seasons.
Not only does zoysia thrive in the heat, but it is also capable of surviving drought conditions.
Because southern parts of the country experience both heat and drought conditions, zoysia is a good option for many southern homeowners.
Note that your newly-planted zoysia sod will need to be watered carefully at the beginning to make sure it establishes well. Your lawn will need be watered each day after planting, keeping the top inch of the grass and underlying soil moist.
Once the sod's roots have established, after about two to six weeks of time, you can decrease the amount of water your lawn receives.
Irrigation is ideal for newly-planted sod. However, setting up sprinklers or watering the lawn deeply by hand with your garden hose is also possible. Be sure to reduce manual watering if it rains.
Even though your new zoysia sod will be free of weeds, these unsightly growths may show up over time.
Crabgrass is one of the most common types of weeds, wreaking havoc on lawns all over the country. Crabgrass and other weeds decrease the look of your lawn, which can affect your home's value. Also, crabgrass grows quickly and aggressively, taking over and killing certain types of grass, such as fescue or kentucky bluegrass.
Fortunately, zoysia is also aggressive, meaning it can fight off the development of most weeds, including crabgrass, as long as your lawn is properly maintained.
Prevention is still your best weapon against weeds, so apply a pre-emergent to your zoysia in the early spring. This product kills the weed seeds before they begin to germinate. In the early part of fall, a post-emergent can be applied to prevent weeds from growing during your zoysia dormant season.
Without the application of these pre-emergent and post-emergent solutions, weeds may develop, but the aggressive, durable nature of zoysia will help fight them off.
The installation of zoysia sod may seem like a large expense, but it will be a smart investment for your home's appeal and value. To learn more about zoysia and to begin the process of improving your lawn, contact Wright Turf.